SmartOCR helps DIGI-TEXX handle the manual process

SmartOCR quickly processes input documents and extracts them into text format, helping DIGI-TEXX reduce manual data entry time by 70%, meeting more than 12,000 requests/month.

DIGI-TEXX – Digi Texx Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in providing comprehensive data processing solutions and services for all types of businesses and organizations.In recent years, DIGI-TEXX has not only diversified the portfolio of services it provides but also expanded its market into different fields, such as health care and insurance for the US market. and Europe. DIGI-TEXX has become a trusted outsourcing partner with more than 1,000 employees, providing flexible outsourcing services in the Vietnamese market.

DIGI-TEXX data entry problem

Because of the characteristics of the BPO industry, staff at DIGI-TEXX always have to receive and process an extremely large volume of documents. Besides, the manual data entry process is not only time-consuming and increases personnel costs, but during the data entry process, the data entry staff themselves cannot avoid errors during the data entry process. This greatly affects work efficiency as well as increases operating costs of DIGI-TEXX.

In addition, the fact that customers waste time in the registration process or filling out information in the application opening process also reduces the customer experience.

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The large amount of manual data entry makes DIGI-TEXX employees unable to avoid errors in their work

How did SmartOCR help DIGI – TEXX solve the problem?

Faced with the problems that DIGI-TEXX is facing, SmartOCR has helped DIGI – TEXX reduce the pressure on the process Document entry and document processing. Thanks to that, DIGI-TEXX has saved 75% of time compared to the traditional data entry process, digitizing input data quickly. Besides, thanks to SmartOCR, DIGI-TEXX has managed data better, employees no longer have to spend a lot of time doing boring repetitive tasks but focus more on high-level tasks. more specialized. From there, working efficiency is improved.

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SmartOCR helps DIGI-TEXX say goodbye to manual processes, improve productivity and work efficiency

In addition, data digitized with SmartOCR makes it easy for DIGI-TEXX to search quickly instead of spending hours searching for information on paper. In particular, SmartOCR helps DIGI-TEXX increase the security of documents and papers because the processed database is stored on the enterprise’s common database system with many different security layers, without everyone must have access.

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