Manual document


Introducing MiraBOT

Launched in October 2023, MiraBOT is a smart BOT chat platform and has certain breakthroughs compared to traditional BOT chat services. BOT chat stands out with the ability to read and process a variety of data sources unique to each business, providing accurate responses up to >90%. The simple goal that MiraBOT aims for is: BOT chat can help you answer all your questions. However, the doors for development that this technology opens are extremely potential. + MiraBOT has the ability to integrate with many social networks, websites, portals, internal systems, etc. through available APIs. + MiraBOT takes full advantage of the benefits and capabilities that the platform can bring such as: 24/7 customer care sales consulting multi-channel management support from one MiraBOT platform; + Integrating MiraBOT into CRM or into a variety of other fields such as education, healthcare, etc. helps improve efficiency, save time for support staff, and optimize customer experience by  diversity and flexibility in the way the BOT responds.

MiraBOT with powerful integration capabilities

MiraBOT's outstanding features compared to traditional chatbots

Sign up for the package

To register for MiraBOT you must have a TenTen account, if you do not have a TenTen account you can open /vi and click the "Register" button to register an account

Step 1: Select Register MiraBOT service

After Login successfully. At the menu, select “Register for service” -> Click “AI Tool” then select “MiraBot”.

Step 2: Select “Register” to proceed with "Register"

Select the package you want to register and Click "Register".

Step 3: Confirm the correct package you need to pay for.

After confirming the correct package you need to pay for, select the owner information, and select "Continue" below.

Step 4: Choose payment method.

In the transfer information section, you can pay through many different forms. Select "Continue" below
The system will switch to the state waiting for payment or waiting for order activation. Please wait a moment, the system will send an email to TenTen account (person</span >use email taken from the order subject's name) + username + password to log in to MiraBOT< /span>

Step 5: Login to MiraBOT

After the system sends the email, the user will log in with username + password and send it to the email via the link  Wish you successful operations!.

Instructions for creating a BOT

I. Instructions for creating a BOT

Step 1: Access screen Dashboard or BOTS list screen.

After successfully “Login”, the user clicks “Create new BOT” on the Home page or on the BOTS list screen.

Step 2: Enter all information, Click Create BOT

The system displays the “Create new BOT” screen:
Enter valid information and click Create Bot: + Some notes when creating a Bot
  • Bot name: Required, no more than 60 characters.
  • Description: Optional, no more than 350 characters.
  • Access rights: Public. Bots can share chat publicly and allow embedding into other website interfaces.
  • OpenAI model: GPT 3.5
  • Language: Required
  • Prompt & Temperature: Customize the bot's reply script and the level of creativity in the answer.
  • Prompt: Number or line down the content for Prompt so that AI can identify it better. Limit 500 characters
  • Temperature: Option of Bot's creativity level (0 is the lowest level).

Step 3: Screen appears displayed after successfully creating BOT

After clicking “Create BOT”, the system displays a message that the bot was successfully created and displayed in the BOTS list screen.
Display the success notification and list the BOTS list as follows:

II. Instructions for editing BOT

Step 1: Click on edit BOT

Create BOT list screen. Click Action -> Click “Edit”.

Step 2: Edit BOT

After clicking "Edit". The system will display the Bot editing screen. Allows editing of added fields. Some notes when editing similar to "Create Bot"
Next I will introduce additional functions when clicking on edit BOT: + Consider permission to receive notifications when sending emails: 
  • Admin Email: is the email of the account being used
  • Member Email: is the email of each user when adding members in the "Member List" section
  • Display notification when embedding the Bot outside the website to chat: if the user chooses to dislike the chat that the Bot replies to or sends a support contact immediately, the system will send a notification to the email. Customers are given the right to send mail.
  • Add another email: Not required, email in correct format. The additional email must not be the same as the admin or member's email. The system will send an email to all the accounts seen.
  • Note for adding another email: When adding another email without checking the permission to send notifications, that email will no longer be displayed in the edit section and must be added again.

Step 3: Select Update

Don't forget to click "Update" to save the information you have edited.
Wish you a successful operation!

MiraBOT with powerful integration capabilities


MiraBOT's outstanding features compared to traditional chatbots


Accompany you on your journey
digital conversion.

Sign up to receive consultation

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(8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Customer care department:
(8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Technical Support(24/7):
( 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Invoice support:(8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Extension support (8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)